Top 5 Shifts Therapists Need To Make in the Private Practice

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Top 5 Shifts Therapists Need To Make in the Private Practice

There are five shifts all therapists needs to make, especially in private practice.

Get Clarity On Your Why

If we get clarity on our “why,” then we will find our motivation to start a successful counseling practice. Keep clear on your personal “why.” It will be a huge catalyst to determine which direction you want to go in the business. When our purpose is too broad, it will become background noise. For instance, some therapists will say that they do what they do to change lives. However, there isn’t a lot of emotion behind it. That’s why it’s time to take a step back and reignite the fire of your passion.

Find Your Ideal Client

Who is the client that will get you excited? Hopefully, you wake up in the morning and get excited about who you are talking with for the day. Maybe you’ve met your ideal client; maybe you have never met that person. It could be a child, a marriage, a person with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a woman suffering from past trauma, etc. There is a perfect match for everyone.

Therapists Need A Marketing Plan

Next, make a marketing plan that isn’t the norm. You don’t need to be on every single social media platform. Which social media platform does your ideal client spend the most time on? That’s where you should start. There are other things that you can think about. For instance, what is your ideal client’s favorite TV show? Create marketing around the themes in that TV show. Instead of regular blog posts, you can make blog posts that revolve around the TV show. That way, it’s a particular niche, and you get to talk about the things that you love, and the things that your clients love.

Work ON Your Business

So many therapists are busy working in their business that they aren’t working on the business. It’s time to pull back and look at your business as a whole. If you haven’t already, you need to make quarterly goals. Take an hour or two to sit down and make a list. Where can you network? How can you step up your game? What can you do to go above and beyond? We never really take the time to step back and think about these things. It’s almost the end of January, so take time to analyze what is coming up for the rest of the year.

Therapists Need To Stop Falling For Shiny Object Syndrome

The shiny object syndrome is when you see a marketing program online, and you decide to buy it. Then, you find a program about Facebook ads, so you buy that. When you have shiny object syndrome, you just start buying programs because you think they’ll work, and you hope that they work. When you have clarity on your why and your ideal client, there will be less grey and a lot clearer. When you know your client listens to podcasts all day long, maybe you don’t need to worry about Facebook ads. all day long, then maybe you don’t need to worry about Facebook ads.

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