How Writing Helps Counselors In Private Practice

Counseling Private Practice, Private Practice Tools For Counselors, Counseling Business, Counseling Marketing Tips, Marketing A Counseling Practice, Therapist Marketing Strategies, How To Market Yourself As A Therapist, Marketing Strategies For Counselors, Marketing Strategies For Therapist

Today I spent most of the day having coffee with a friend of mine. He is a fellow counselor in Greensboro, North Carolina. We actually started our counseling practice around the same time.

During the coffee break, we found ourselves really excited about all of the opportunities that come with writing. It’s almost as if writing is this door that can open up endless opportunities for counselors. Just like receiving a professional degree can open up opportunities.

Here are just a few ways that writing can transform your private practice:

  • Create templates to build your email list.
  • Become a guest writer for blogs.
  • Become a content writer for podcast channels.

I want to share with you a short video that digs into how you can use Helping A Reporter Out (HARO) to creat success in your counseling practice.